Haverhill’s Best Days Lie Ahead

We hope you’re looking forward to the new year as much as we are!

The PFFM Unanimously Endorse Melinda Barrett for Mayor of Haverhill

The Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts (PFFM) have unanimously endorsed Melinda Barrett for Mayor of Haverhill.

On September 22, 2023, your firefighters of Massachusetts assembled for their monthly meeting when firefighter union leaders from across the state conducted regular business. During that time, Haverhill Firefighters IAFF Local 1011 President & PFFM District 4 Vice President Tim Carroll stood for an endorsement request for Melinda Barrett and her run for Mayor of Haverhill.

The members of the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts in attendance, with a unanimous vote, proudly chose to endorse Melinda Barrett for Mayor of Haverhill.

PFFM Banner, Logo, & Membership Description

Melinda Barrett for Mayor

Haverhill is overdue for a type of mayoral leadership that brings people together. For too long Haverhill has been sorely lacking a leader with the vision and purpose to move our community in the right direction. It’s time to focus on building a better future for Haverhill when and where we work together towards fulfilling our true potential; and for that you need the right person for the job.

Your Haverhill Firefighters believe Melinda Barrett is the right person for that job. We trust Melinda will guide our city into responsible growth, invest in strained infrastructure, and keep a balance between the wants and the needs of our community.

That is why the Haverhill Firefighters are proud to endorse Melinda Barrett for Mayor of Haverhill. We ask you to stand and vote with us for the next Mayor of Haverhill and vote for Melinda Barrett.

More info at MelindaBarrett.com

Haverhill Firefighter Staffing Shortage

Portland Street Fire 4.29.22 – Scene on arrival

The current effort to increase Haverhill’s dangerously low firefighter staffing levels has been ongoing since 2019. Since that time, staffing levels have not increased at all. In fact, the proposed 2023 City of Haverhill budget reduces the number of guaranteed on-duty firefighters by removing them from the 911 Call center and not increasing the per-firetruck staffing (better known as “minimum manning” or per-piece staffing). The current daily compliment of on-duty firefighters is a minimum of 21, though Mayor James Fiorentini’s proposal reduces that number to 20. Under the mayor’s proposed 2023 budget, Haverhill will lose 4 firefighter positions per week unless the Haverhill City Council stands for a TRUE STAFFING increase.

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