Tim Carroll Wins 8th Term as Haverhill Firefighters IAFF Local 1011 Union President
On Friday, December 8th, 2023, the votes were counted for the election of Haverhill Firefighters IAFF Local President for 2024. Tim Carroll received the majority vote from the local firefighter membership and solidified his position as current Local President for at least one more year.
Congratulations to President Carroll and thank you to the Local Election Committee for your work in making a fair and honest election.
For a list of current and future union officers, please see our union officer page by clicking the button below.
Congresswomen Lori Trahan presented the Haverhill Fire Department with the ceremonial check for 16 new full-time firefighters on the department for the next 3 years, 100% of personnel costs covered by the S.A.F.E.R. FEMA Grant, worth over $4.1 million. There were many thanks made during the event while standing in front of the Bradford Fire Station where the Bradford Ladder 4 crew will be staffed as of June next year. Joining with us to celebrate was Congresswoman Trahan, State Senator Payano, State Representative Vargas, State Representative Hamilton, City Councilor and Mayor Elect Melinda Barrett, City Council President Jordan, City Councilor Lewandowski, & City Councilor Bevilacqua.
We’d like to once again thank the members of the Haverhill Firefighters Local 1011 in-house firefighter grant writers who wrote this grant for the city: Grant Team Leader Richard Shellene, Brian Ray, James Bizeur, Ryan Fairbanks, & Timothy Carroll. As well as the advocacy we gratefully received from US Senator Warren, US Senator Markey, alongside Congresswoman Trahan.
Special thank you to the work done by Chief Robert O’Brien, Local President Tim Carroll, & Local Secretary Ryan Fairbanks for their efforts towards procuring this grant by their years of work before, during, and after this grant was awarded to Haverhill. Work that was shared by our strongest supporters in the Haverhill City Council: Tim Jordan, Melissa Lewandowski, John Michitson, Colin LePage, & Melinda Barrett.
There is a lot of work still being done to prepare for these new firefighters to join the department early next year. We hope to update you more as the process continues. Please see the pictures below provided by Mike Jarvis from Jarvi Productions.
The Haverhill City Council Public Safety Subcommittee met last night to discuss the needs of the Haverhill Fire Department, the results of the CPSM Audit, and to hear recommendations from the public, firefighters, and Fire Chief O’Brien. Unfortunately, Fire Chief O’Brien was ordered by Mayor Fiorentini to not attend the meeting. The members of the subcommittee and firefighter’s union all expressed their disappointment with Mayor Fiorentini for his action in preventing the public from hearing directly from the city’s fire chief. The members of the subcommittee and firefighter’s union all expressed similar priorities for improving funding to the fire department in coming years. Please see the list of requests Local 1011 President Carroll presented to the city council subcommittee in accordance with the study (commissioned by the mayor) findings and in continuation with what the firefighters have been requesting for years to improve Haverhill public safety, all confirmed by the independent audit. (see more)
Haverhill Firefighters Local 1011 President Timothy Carroll Elected as Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts (PFFM) District 4 Vice President
Your Haverhill Firefighters & Local 1011 Executive Board would like to congratulate Haverhill Firefighters Local 1011 President Timothy Carroll for his election to the Professional Fire Firefighters of Massachusetts District 4 Vice President. We trust that he will put in the same effort towards this new role as he did as the long-time leader of our organization. Strong work Tim!
A statement from District 4 Vice President Tim Carroll:
“Today I am thrilled to have been sworn in as the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts (PFFM) 4th District Vice President. I won a highly contested election, thank you to both Joe Brangwynne and Michael Delaney who ran against me. Both of them ran exceptional campaigns, I would like to thank the 4th District for showing up to vote today. I am going to work my ass off for all of you and I will make sure the 4th District’s issues are heard loud and clear. Thank you for your continued support.”
– Timothy Carroll (2/17/2023)
Tim Carroll, Haverhill Firefighters President & PFFM District 4 Vice President Facebook postFacebook Post: New PFFM District 4 VP Tim Carroll & PFFM President Rich MacKinnon (2/17/23)Haverhill Firefighters Local 1011 Facebook post
*Photos hyperlinked to respective Facebook post permalink